Boston Nemus....The national pilot

Boston Lincolnshire: The first NEMUS

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About the community

The market town of Boston, in the centre of Lincolnshire is a good barometer of the issues and challenges that affect some of our rural communities. The large migrant population is essential to the economic wellbeing of Lincolnshire as a county, however with the decline of traditional industries and an increasingly mechanised approach to agriculture both the indigenous and migrant communities feel more and more isolated both from each other and within their own community groups. The sense of loss of community increases as more people move away to find work elsewhere.

How the community will make a difference

Boston’s strength lies in its cultural diversity however this presents significant communication challenges for both local service providers and for the communities themselves. Initially centred on health and social care, NEMUS is a digital platform that uses rich media to help overcome language and cultural barriers, to better equip local community groups with the skills to support each other in the flow of information and advice, whilst also providing a platform for two-way conversation between service providers and community groups ensuring services are better tailored and communicated so that they are more effective, efficient and timely.

The Community Voices project

The NEMUS Project is a partnership between Lincolnshire Community Foundation and Media Trust. Initially centred on the community of Boston in Lincolnshire, NEMUS is a community led project that aims to build increased community cohesion, improved citizenship and a more coherent local voice using inspiring forms of digital media, for the people of Boston, made by the people of Boston and owned by the people of Boston. The project will match local people with digital mentors to help up skill them to create film, podcast, vidcasts and three-dimensional photographs called Photosynths.

Who’s Involved?

Lincolnshire Community Foundation is a charitable Trust that makes grants to people in need throughout Lincolnshire, including what used to be Humberside now North and North East Lincolnshire